Their shield was so valuable to the family that the wife
or mother would hand her soldier his shield and give him this request,
“return to me my love, either with this shield or on this shield,” for their shields bore the family or Spartan symbol. When the wars were
localized, Spartans used their shields to carry home their dead. In
battle the shield not only protected the soldier in front, but also to the rear
and to their right. Long spears protruded out on top, below and on the
side of the shield, allowing soldiers to push the enemy back, forcing them to
fight going backward.
No wonder the Apostle Paul tells us to take up the Shield of Faith as it is a great and mighty weapon. The author of Hebrews tells us, by faith, “Gideon, Barak, Samson Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised. They shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again.”
However, many also returned on their Shields, “There
were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain
an even better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even
chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were
sawed in two; they were killed by the sword…the world was not worthy of
them…These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what
had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only
together with us would they be made perfect.”
In Revelations 5 we find that “The
Lion of the Tribe of Judah” conquered and was worthy to bring judgment and
salvation. So, for the Gray family, the Lion is our family Shield
symbol. We are a warrior family and identify with Jesus as our great
Captain, able to deliver us from satan’s attacks and lead us to victory.
The Lion (Jesus) has devoured our drug addiction, illness, suffering, despair
and hopelessness. He has also licked our wounds, and healed us, restoring
us and giving us rest. Before my illness, Carolyn and I fought
valiantly for the lives of drug addicts and others caught in satan’s snares,
and we miss the battle and long to return and be used in the battle for souls.
Our son, as a YWAM missionary, fights with the same tenacity as we did taking
up his Shield of Faith for those overseas.
However, we are totally exhausted in this fight and
sometimes I feel like I have had enough!!!! Like that iconic hero, Popeye
the Sailor, “I have had all I can stands and I can’t stands no more!” Popeye's having had enough, caused him to double down, eat his spinach and defeat Brutus. I
too am extremely tired of pain and suffering, and Carolyn and Aaron suffer with
me. Like the Spartans in battle, I am paired with my wife, Carolyn, who
is behind me pushing me forward while fighting her battles, and Aaron, our son,
who constantly holds us up prayer as he battles his own weariness of this
disease. We are all exhausted and need you to “lock shields” with us to help
push us forward.
For those of you on our right, we need you to commit
to praying for us at least once per day; others once per week. For those
on our left we need a financial commitment. When we receive donations to our
NFT (National Foundation for Transplants) the money is held for us until
we submit receipts for treatment that we have paid out of pocket. We have a
three month window to submit receipts. If they are older than three
months, we cannot be reimbursed. Currently we have approximately three
thousand dollars worth of receipts. Approximately one thousand dollars
are approaching expiration. If we raise at least one thousand dollars, we would not lose
reimbursement. If we could raise three thousand
dollars, we would have enough to the end of the year. We know this is a
lot of money, and there are so many worthy ministries; but we also know we
serve a big God and that He will return to you a hundred fold.
Please consider a support gift of ANY size knowing it
can only be used for our transplant and disease treatment. We believe we
are good stewards of God’s bounty, and will receive our dreams fulfilled of
having a greater impact in our latter years than in our former. I am willing to return to ministry with my Shield or on my Shield of Faith, as we trust in our Mighty Leader for the final outcome of this trial.
We thank
you in advance for "locking shields" with us knowing that you will continue to pray about and for us. Your prayers are felt in the battle, you may never
know how you have carried us through so many battles, but we certainly couldn't do it without you!
With Much Love and Respect,
Mike, Carolyn and Aaron
Mike, Carolyn and Aaron