Thursday, July 19, 2012

ZERO (An Update from Mike)

To all my wonderful family and friends,
Most of us, including myself, have read all the wonderful stories in the New Testament of Jesus healing the sick.  Most of us never realize the impact and significance of those healings, and I for one am glad you have not had to go through a life-long tragic disease to understand what it is like to be healed of such a dreaded sickness.  Like the woman who had a blood disorder that spent all she had for years on cures, or the paralytic next to the Pool of Siloam who waited years for someone to help him into the water, or the lepers’ cast out because of their skin disease, I have suffered with HepC for 22 years now.  What is it truly like to be healed of such a malady?  I now know!!!!!  After suffering horrible pain, fatigue, and nausea, after losing my job, my retirement and savings, after watching two of my very best friends die from HepC, after enduring a liver transplant, after putting my family and friends through hell watching me suffer, I am now HepC free with zero count of the virus in my body, zero!

Yesterday, my transplant coordinator called us and said, “Mr. Gray, you have beaten the odds and now are HepC zero count virus free.”  Odds/smodds, we know there are no odds, but a loving Father who heeded all of our prayers and healed me.  After recovering from the shock, I went into my bedroom to praise and worship the God who loves me, but instead after about 10 minutes began to sob uncontrollably for about 20 minutes until my sister called, and even then, took a little while to stop crying.  I continue crying off and on throughout the day as the reality is still sinking in.  I am healed.  Now I know why the cripple jumped up and down shouting and praising God when Peter and John pulled him up.  I really know!  It is one thing to know about God, it is vastly different to know the God who loves us; to experience who He is first hand.

Unfortunately, I still have to remain on the Triple Interferon Therapy for another 44 weeks.  Please be praying that by God's mercy I can be taken off this therapy sooner! But now, as the Book of Revelations tells us how we win in the end- I win in the same way!  I am still extremely sick with side effects from the treatment, but it is a little easier now to endure knowing the outcome is assured.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers and support of our family year after year.  I could never thank any of you enough, from Tom Stansbury who risked his life to save mine, to the person who prayed for us when we came to mind.  To all of you; thank you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12 Update on Mike's Treatment

Hello Family and Friends,

We just received more news on Mike's bloodwork.  He is holding his own.  His bloodwork has either stayed the same, or improved slightly with the exception of a single liver function test.   This is not surprising when you think of how much medication his poor liver has to process.  We are grateful that through your prayers the Lord is holding back multiple side effects that many patients are experiencing.

His main symptom right now is extreme fatigue, causing him to rest and sleep most of the day. However, this is a good thing towards his healing.

Aaron has learned and experienced the mighty power of intercessory prayer through YWAM.  Mike and I have also caught the vision of how God works through prayer.  We would love to pray for YOU and any specific prayer needs you have.

Please email Mike at  for any prayer requests and if you do not want to be specific, just send them as a "private prayer request".  You and God know what they are.  We will keep a journal and pray specifically for you and record how and when He answered your prayer.  (Maybe not the way you presumed, but He always answers, and in retrospect, it always works out for the best).

Mike cannot do much right now, but HE CAN PRAY.   We know that almost everyone has something they need in their lives.  From tragic to minor circumstances, the needs are always there.  Please allow us to give back to you as you have given so much to us.  We are so grateful to all of you for your continued prayers and financial support!

With love and blessings,
Mike, Carolyn and Aaron

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Praises and Prayer Requests

Hey friends and family!

Just a little update regarding what is going on with Mike.

The Hep C count per blood sample keeps going down!!!  The last count was listed as between 7 and 43 Hepatitis C cells.

However, his red blood cell count is decreasing due to the medication.  To avoid a blood transfusion, he has to inject himself with a new medication once a week starting tonight.  Our prayers are this medication will increase his red blood cell count and that he will NOT encounter serious side effects such as allergic reaction, stroke, kidney failure and even more common as headache, chills, fever and nausea.

In addition, his blood pressure has been high and he has had to double his medication for that, as well.

We are continually praising God for what He is doing in Mike's body and our family.  He is so faithful in how he sustains us and lives through us.  We are so thankful for all of your prayers!

-In His loving care,
The Grays